10 Rules Every Long-Term Couple MUST Follow to Keep the Romance Alive

“The 10 rules that every long-term couple MUST follow in the bedroom to keep the romance alive and avoid someone straying (including fantasizing about other people)” was an article that originally published by The Daily Mail (UK)

– Introduction by Bianca London


As anyone in a long-term relationship knows only too well, things between the sheets can often become non-existent.

But according to one relationship expert, there’s ten essential rules that every long-term couple should follow in the bedroom to keep the romance alive and prevent one partner straying. Continued

The Path to Parenthood

This article was originally published by Scottish magazine and website, Scotland 4 Kids


Dr Jane Goldberg waited until her late forties before she experienced motherhood.
Here she shares a very honest account of why her difficult journey there was worth the wait…

Like most of the events in my life, waiting until I was 47 to become a mother was neither a deliberate, nor particularly well-crafted decision. Rather, it evolved from a series of circumstances combined with choices I made without being able to predict the consequences. Continued

The Science and Efficacy of APeX Oxygenated Water

“It sounds like a scene from a science fiction novel—an army of tiny weaponised robots travelling around a human body, hunting down malignant tumours and destroying them from within. But research in Nature Communications today from the University of California Davis Cancer Centre shows the prospect of that being a realistic scenario may not be far off.”

But the article is wrong. The day is no longer “not far off.” The day has arrived. The product already exists wherein “Hunter-Killer Nano-Robots” perform a search and destroy mission within our bodies. And the killer cells not only rout out cancer cells, but all pathogenic material in the cellular neighborhoods of the toxic materials. The product that delivers this promise is called APeX. Continued

Dying Should Be a Selfish Endeavor

This article originally appeared on HuffingtonPost.com



My patient Rona is dying. She has been my psychoanalytic patient for 30 years and has struggled against her cancer for 15 years. She has had Stage 4 cancer for seven years. She fought the good fight, a valiant fight, and truly, for many years, it had seemed as though she were indefatigable. She has been telling me that she is dying for a few months now, and in spite of her being bone-thin, I still saw and heard life energy in her. Her voice and spirit were strong in spite of her frail body. Although she needed help to make it up the two flights of stairs to my office, still she plowed through it, and never missed a session. Continued

From Symbiosis to Separation: Seeing and Touching Pt 2

Originally published by HuffingtonPost.com


I have heard from mothers, both biological and adoptive, about the feeling of deep connection with their infant children through eye contact. The profundity of the eye contact between mother and infant is one reason why adoption agencies prefer that birth mothers not see their child. They know that when the child gazes up into his mother’s eyes, the mother will recognize their bond, and it will be more difficult for her to let go of her child.


More Than A Scent: Essential Oils Aid The Immune System

Originally published by HuffingtonPost.com

If you do some research into the Royal English Archives, you’ll come across an interesting little tidbit. It’s a recipe for “thieves’ oils.” So the story goes: In the 17th century, when all of Europe was in the thrust of the Black Plague, a small band of marauding thieves seemed immune to the disease. They would enter the homes of Black Plague victims and have no fear of touching the bodies as they searched for jewelry and money. The King demanded to know their secret. Continued

The Innate Genius of Baby Brains

brainercize-tabOriginally published by HuffingtonPost.com

The idea that your baby is a genius is a neurological phenomenon. Renowned child educator Maria Montessori has speculated that if our adult ability is compared with the child’s, we would need 60 years of hard work to accomplish what he achieves in just three. When a child masters turning on and off a light switch, his brain has expended more energy than the most complicated computer that we have on earth. When a child says her first word at the age of nine months, he has mastered a developmental advance that represents millions of evolutionary years in the making. Practically everything your child does in his first two years — every sound, every movement, every mental connection that he makes — places his brain capacity at genius operating level. Continued

Brain Cells: How to Preserve Them


Originally published by HuffingtonPost.com

The brain is not too different from the rest of your body. It needs to be well-nourished. All animals except humans know this instinctively; because the head is elevated whenever an animal moves, sleep is the best time to feed an animal’s brain the blood they need for brain nourishment. An animal is always in a prone position during sleep, and its head falls lower than the rest of its body. Continued

How Increasing Your Brain’s ‘Digit Span’ Can Improve Overall Function


Article originally published by HuffingtonPost.com

Even though there is a mountain of research on sequential processing, and its usefulness as a measure of intelligence, for decades no one had thought to bring the research to the next logical level — to actually change peoples’ digit-span level. Finally, researcher and clinician Bob Doman decided to train people to increase their ability to do digit span. Continued

How Much Information Can The Brain Hold? Test Your Memory


Originally published by HuffingtonPost.com

The concept of the magic number seven, plus or minus two, has a long, revered place in the history of psychological research. It has been well known since the 19th century when a little observational experiment was done by Scottish philosopher, William Hamilton. Hamilton noted that whenever a handful of marbles were thrown onto the floor, the placement of only about seven of the marbles could be remembered without confusion. G.A. Miller, a Princeton University psychologist, wrote his famous paper, “The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two,” in 1956. For many years, this was the most cited non-statistical paper in psychology. Miller’s contention was precisely the same as Hamilton’s: most of us can hold in short-term memory approximately seven units of information. Continued

Brain Health: Is the Virtual World Creating a Virtual Brain?

Originally published by HuffingtonPost.com

The other day the television stopped working suddenly. I spent almost an hour trying to figure out how to fix it. Then my 17-year-old daughter walked in, took the remote from my hand, and had the thing working again in about a New York nanosecond. I have known, for years now, because of similar experiences with computers, cell phones and cameras, that my daughter’s brain operates in a wholly different way than my own. When any of these electronic devices stop doing what they’re supposed to be doing, I can spend hours trying to figure out how to reprogram them (if that is even the right word) — all to no avail. It won’t matter how much time I take to attend to the task. I won’t figure it out. And my daughter will. Continued

Brain Development From Birth to Old Age: An Overview

Article originally appeared on HuffingtonPost.com

Comedian Lewis Black does a brilliant riff on the aging brain. The conversation he demonstrates between two adults trying to converse about a film looks something like, at best, a game of charades, or worse, infants trying to communicate wordlessly with each other — (the very etymology of the word “in fans” is “without speech”). One guy makes reference to the movie, trying to remember the name: “You know — the movie with the guy in it — the guy — you know the guy — the guy who knows the other guy, or looks like the other guy — the two guys — you know who I mean — that movie with the guy.” That’s not an exact quote, but close enough for anyone suffering from the affliction of getting older with a modicum of memory loss to get the point. (They tell us it’s part of the normal aging process. But who believes them?) Continued

Just Words

Article originally appeared on HuffingtonPost.com

One of the criticisms of Barack Obama has been that his presidency consists of “just words.” Ted Sorenson, whose death we have mourned, expressed astonishment at the sentiment. “‘Just words’ is how a president manages to operate. ‘Just words’ is how he engages the country,” Sorensen said in a moment of peevedness. Continued

Psychoanalysis: A Treatment of the Soul

Article originally appeared on HuffingtonPost.com

Throughout my 40 years as a psychoanalyst, many of my patients have expressed interest in wanting to enter the territory of spirituality and authentic soul searching. They are surprised when I present the possibility of using their psychoanalytic therapy as a portal with which to explore this interest. When we understand the roots of what has come to be called “the talking cure,” we can see how deeply spiritual the psychoanalytic process is meant to be. Continued

The Joy (and Benefits) of Skipping

Article originally appeared on HuffingtonPost.com

Doubtless, you remember skipping as a child. Some of the moments of happiness you had as a child were surely when you were skipping. I don’t mean happiness as in content, or satisfied or feeling good or nice. I mean happy as in joyful. If you look around any playground, you will notice that any child who is skipping is also laughing — or at least smiling a big, broad grin. Skipping induces happiness; it did when you were seven, and it will have the same effect on you now that you are an adult. Continued

In Defense of Slow and Tedious: Quick-Fix Therapy or the Kind that Takes “Forever”?

Article originally appeared on HuffingtonPost.com

Since the New York Times published an article by psychotherapist Jonathan Alpert, “In Therapy Forever? Enough Already” (April 21, 2012), there has been lively debate within the psychotherapeutic community about the benefits of short-term, goal-oriented, advice-driven therapy vs. the longer, open-ended, free-associative linguistic wandering brand espoused and practiced by psychoanalysts. The lengthiness of treatment is a question that Freud, the originator of the notion “interminable” analysis, himself asked. He experimented for a time with what we might call today, “speed therapy” (comparable to “speed dating” — first impressions count for all). Ultimately, he wasn’t particularly impressed with the results. But Freud’s goal (in this seemingly “goalless” endeavor) was radically different from the goal of today’s popular short-term — often with adjunctive psychotropic drugs — therapies. Perhaps the best way of describing the difference is that the goal of short-term therapy is to feel “better,” which can translate into feeling “less.” On the other hand, the goal of psychoanalysis is to feel both “deeper” and more “outward” which, at least in the beginning of the process, might translate into feeling “more” and “worse.” Continued

My Rape; My Illegal Abortion; My Almost Dying: Reflections From 1968

Article originally appeared on HuffingtonPost.com

I was set to graduate from college in a few months. March 1968. I awoke to a voice telling me: “Don’t make a sound or I will kill you.” My screaming was instinctive, and I suppose I paid for that. I screamed and screamed, and the more I screamed, the more he hit me. Although there were four people in the apartment at the time, apparently no one heard me. When I tasted blood in my mouth from his brutal fists, the realization dawned on me that this man didn’t care how much he hurt me, and was willing, indeed, to kill me. I felt the saddest I had ever felt in my short life: not that I was going to die, but that I was going to die without being with any of the people who loved me. I acquiesced to the rape, and tolerated the soft words of his affection for my “titties,” as he called them. I had become so passive, he could have performed a lobotomy on me and I wouldn’t have let out a peep. Continued

Why I Decided to Enter a Senior Beauty Pageant at the Age of 68

Article originally appeared on HuffingtonPost.com.

In early 2014, I made a most bizarre decision for myself. I committed to participating as a contestant in a pageant: the Miss Senior New Jersey Pageant.

Miss Senior New Jersey is unlike its mother pageant, Miss America, in that there is no financial reward for winning. It does not promise, and then not distribute, most of the money that is claimed to be available (as was revealed by John Oliver’s recent, funny and sad, exposé of the Miss America contest). And unlike its forerunner, Miss Senior New Jersey pageant is not formally conceptualized as a “beauty” contest (though the pageant winners do seem to always look quite wonderful). The post-60-years-of-age contestants are not necessarily outwardly beautiful in the traditional sense of the concept of beauty. As it says in the program, the qualities the judges are looking for in the senior pageants are “dignity, maturity,” and, of course, the always elusively defined “inner beauty.” Continued

Are Your Vitamins For Real? Pt. 1

This article originally appeared in The Epoch Times

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We have become a population in which health consciousness is now mainstream. Vitamins and nutritional supplements remain the largest health and beauty category among consumer product goods.

But many don’t understand the delicate art of supplementation. We think that if something is “natural” it must be good and won’t do harm, and that if it’s good for us, more must be even better. These are misconceptions. Continued

Skin Brushing: The Easiest Way to Detox and Look Younger

This article originally appeared in The Epoch Times

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Some years back, I heard Bernard Jensen, one of our country’s great nutritionists and author of over 50 books, tell the story of Samson, “the Saxon Giant.”

Samson was a weight lifter and wrestler who was brought to the United States by Florenz Zeigfield in the 1920s as one of the featured acts in the “Zeigfield Follies.”

Besides his strength, Samson was also known for his baby-soft skin, a feature that Samson attributed to his daily regimen of dry skin brushing—a fact that greatly intrigued Jensen. Continued

Since My Brother’s Murder

Originally published on HuffingtonPost.com

My brother was murdered — bludgeoned to death as he lay sleeping in his bed — three years ago this summer. The murder (like most murders) was not a random event. My brother knew his killer. The perpetrator was a young man, Max, who had been kicked out of his family home, and to whom my brother had given shelter.

Max was a Russian adoptee, who, post-adoption — from the age of five — was raised with every advantage that should have (could have) helped him to develop into a stalwart member of society. Yet, this did not happen. Continued

The Jews of New Orleans

posted in: Articles, Personal Writings | 0

(Article originally published by The Algemeiner, March 18, 2011)

There’s an old saying in New Orleans, actually it’s a word — lagniappe. Lagniappe is a French/Cajun/Creole/only in New Orleans word that means a little something extra. It’s that maraschino cherry on top of the Gambino’s Bakery Charlotte Rouss ladyfingers that my grandmother used to always have for us. It’s a good description of how you make Gumbo: you make the roux, then throw in some okra, celery and bell pepper, then a ham hock, and you think you’re almost done, and then suddenly you see hiding behind something in the refrigerator, a big ripe Creole tomato. You had forgotten you had it, you hadn’t planned on cooking with it, but there it has appeared suddenly, and you know that it is that little something extra that’s going to make your gumbo even better than you had planned. Continued

The Use of Group Analysis in the Resolution of Primitive Regression

Originally published in Modern Psychoanalysis: Vol. 24, No. 2 (1999)

The author expounds on how group analysis is an essential aspect of any comprehensive analysis. Specifically, she addresses how regression is used deliberately in the service of cure and how and why group analysis is an antidote to narcissism. The author draws upon examples of patients as well as her personal experiences.

I was watching a TV show called “The Practice” the other night. It was about a 13-year-old boy who had killed his mother because he was angry at her. The defending attorney was pleading with the judge not to try the boy as an adult because it presented the possibility of putting him away for life. Continued

Aggression and the Female Therapist

As the number of women therapists increases, the study of the effects of the sex of the therapist on treatment becomes meaningful. Patients may choose, and mental health agencies may assign therapists of either gender, yet there are no guidelines for such pairing.

Meltzoff and Hornreich (1970), in reviewing the literature on sex-pairing in psychotherapy, conclude: “At present there is no clear basis for preferential assignment of a patient of either sex to a therapist of either sex. No statement can be made with confidence about the relative benefits of selected sex pairing with given types of patients.” Continued

Working With the Split Transference

Modern Psychoanalysis, Vol. 3, No. 2, 1978 (P. 217 – 232)

In attempting to resolve the resistance of the patient to freely experience and verbalize all thoughts and feelings, the author recognized that resolution may depend on the patient forming alternative transference alliances. This may be described as splitting the transference.

The technique of allowing for a therapeutic split transference finds its roots in the theoretical concept of splitting. Continued

The Physiology of Psychoanalysis: Is Psychoanalysis a Treatment of the Body?

From Modern Psychoanalysis, Vol. XX, No. 2, 1995 (P. 207 – 212)

A theory is presented that incorporates psychoanalysis as a treatment for disturbances that find manifestation on the level of the body. The actual physiology of the mind/body and body/mind connections are discussed, as well as the biochemical effect of putting all of one’s thoughts and feelings into work.

You can try an interesting little experiment. Ask your friends to point on their bodies to the place where they think their “I” exists. You will see that most will point to the center of their heads. This is an understandable response. Continued

Building a Psychological Immune System: Theoretical Considerations in the Psychoanalytic Treatment of Physical Diseases

From: Modern Psychoanalysis, Vol. XVI, No. 1, 1991 (P 105 – 120)

There is an old fable that goes as such:

Once upon a time, there was a great, large animal. The animal was taken to the gate of a city, where six blind men of the highest scientific curiosity were to inspect the animal in order to tell their countrymen both the nature of the animal and how to best care for it.

The first blind man’s hand fell upon the animal’s tusks. “Ah,” he said, “This creature is a thing of bones; they even protrude through his skin.” Later on, years having passed, this man became an orthopedist. Continued

Psychosis of the Body, Cancer of the Mind: The Isomorphic Relation Between Cancer and Schizophrenia

From: Modern Psychoanalysis, Vol. XIV, No. 1, 1989 (P. 21 – 36)

Although there are finer creations of the spirit than perversion and psychosis, in the long run, it is better to be mad than dead.
Joyce McDougall

In observing the ways in which the process of differentiation between self and not-self can be thwarted on the level of the mind, Freud identified the disease of pathological narcissism. Parallel scientific research on the level of the body revealed that the equivalent somatic dysfunction led to the disease of cancer. Continued

Abandonment, Rejection and the Search for Union

From: Modern Psychoanalysis, Vol. 27, No. 2, 2002 (P. 205 – 218)

The author traces the vicissitudes of a thirty-year analysis. The patient came into analysis as a suicidally depressed teenager and has become a confident, content wife and mother of four. Among the most intense conflicts that were worked through were transference issues related to abandonment. The patient was given up for adoption at birth, and during the course of the analysis, developed a longing to be reunited with her biological mother, The author understands this longing as a displacement and avoidance of the pain of the transferential fear of the analyst repeating her history of rejection and abandonment. Through fits and starts, through the patient repeatedly leaving the analysis, and the analyst searching her out to come back, this analysis is testament to the power of self-transformation that is possible when historical repetitions are resolved. Continued

Loving as a Defense Against Life: The Analysis of a Terminally Ill Patient

From: Modern Psychoanalysis Vol. XI: 1 & 2, 1986 (P. 73 – P. 88)

One might say that Mrs. C and I fell in love. From the moment she walked into my office, it seemed as though she and I had been fated to meet, and that knowing each other was going to affect us profoundly. Our positive feelings for one another did not seem to be tempered by the mundane disappointments, fears, frustrations and miscommunications that pervade most relationships. Our relationship seemed free of earthly imperfections. Continued

What is Brainercize?

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Brainercize is an integrated system for understanding and improving brain functioning. Brainercize is based on recent discoveries that have been made about the nature and operations of the brain. Because of these discoveries, a revolution has taken place that has changed entirely the way brain researchers think about the brain as well as the way clinicians work with individuals on cognitive, emotional, and intellectual levels–both the young and the old, and the fully functioning and the brain challenged. We Continued

Brainercize: Online

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Brainercize, with its online (Brainercize Online) and live (Brainercize Live) versions, offers users an array of learning and entertaining methods with which they may train, tune, challenge, stimulate and condition their brains, minds and bodies.

Brainercize Online, initially developed to support the Brainercize Live programs, serves an array of functions.  Brainercize Online Continued

Brainercize: Live

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The system of exercises we have developed for adults in the Brainercize series are organized around the following functions of the brain: memory (Rememberercize) , imagination (Imagercize), the five senses (Sensercize), emotions (Limbercize), and movement (Movercize). Because the brain for young children is structurally different than for adults, and thus their learning needs are different, there is an additional category for them: imitation (Mirrorcize). Classes for both adults and children are based on these categories of brain stimulation. Adult classes are one hour. Children’s classes are 45 minutes. Continued

The Science

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Discoveries in the last 10 years have given us new information on the emerging brain of newborns, the impulsive brain of adolescents, the efficient brain of the adult, and the slowed-down brain of seniors–to reach better functionality.

Research into the brain is one of the fastest growing fields of study in contemporary science. What we know about the brain today is vastly different than what we thought we knew just 10 years ago. And 10 years from now, Continued

Brainy Facts and Quirks

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The weight of your brain is about 3 pounds and is made up of 75% water. At birth, the brain is almost the same size as an adult brain and it already contains most of the brain cells that it will have for a whole lifetime of use. It is also the fattest organ in the body.

No pain, no gain.  Except, that is, when it comes to the brain. There are no pain receptors in your brain, so your brain can feel no pain. Your brain uses 20 percent of the total oxygen in your body. Continued

What is a Smart Brain?

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A smart brain is an adaptable brain; it processes and accommodates new information on a continuous basis. The brain evolved through our evolutionary development as an information processor, bringing the “outside inside” so that the whole organism is privy to environmental stimuli. Primitive brains react only reflexively. As we move up the evolutionary ladder, the higher vertebrate Continued

The Wowsome Brain

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While Steve Jobs may be dead, the legacy of his brain–his brilliance and his prescience–lives on. Steve died as he lived. He spent the last several months at Apple, still embarking on new projects, still holding a vision of a future that he hoped he would help to shape. His children, his wife and his sister all surrounded him as he lay in bed on his final day as they talked and joked among themselves. Continued

The Making of a Murderer Pt. 10: Meeting Louise

I never know what is going to happen when I go to sleep. Since David’s death, my dream life has become as vivid as my waking life. They are bizarre, imaginative dreams. Some redeeming; some disturbing. The last dream I had was about Max. Doctors had discovered that there was something wrong with him and that an operation would correct the problem. After the surgery, presumably, he wouldn’t continue to be violent. Continued

The Making of a Murderer Pt 9: David’s Tombstone Unveiling at Family Plot


One space left in family plot, on left of David’s (not visible in pic). My parents had bought the family plot when all were alive, and the fourth plot was for Lenny, David’s long-term partner, whom my parents accepted as part of our family. David and Lenny separated, and I suppose the 4th plot is now mine, awaiting my final visitation.

The Making of a Murderer Pt. 8: Bad News

Yesterday, moments after the deal seemed to be effected, it was already off the table. After turning down an already accepted plea bargain of 30 years, the judge decided that even the newly agreed upon 40 years was not sufficient for the crimes committed by Maxim Hoppens. She, thusly, attached another five years per additional crimes related to the murder: two counts of forgery and one for the use of a stolen credit card (called “access device fraud”). She is imposing the sentence for these crimes as consecutive, adding an additional fifteen years to the prison term: 55 years in total. Continued

The Making of a Murderer Pt 5: Photographs

janes-motherJane’s and David’s beautiful mother in Cuba.

meyer-goldbergMeyer Goldberg, Jane’s and David’s father, on his Harley. He rode from Georgia to Louisiana circa 1935.

GoldbergsDavid Goldberg, Lee Goldberg, Mommie, and Jane with her cousin in her papa’s arms.

david-childDavid, around 13 years of age.

david-high-schoolDavid in high school.

david-king-of-mardi-grasDavid as the King of the Mardi Gras Ball, circa 1970.

david2David Goldberg in his 40s.

The Making of a Murderer Pt 4: David and Max

Therapist to patient: “What stage of grief are you in?”

Patient: “Writing. Is that a stage?”

Said by Sally Wade upon the publication of her memoir about her long-term love relationship with George Carlin.

DavidGoldbergLast picture taken of David M. Goldberg, at Niagara Falls – a vacation trip where he met for the first time Yang, a Chinese man he had been communicating with every day for five years via the internet. (See previous post The Letters, to read Yang’s response to the news of David’s death.)


The Making of a Murderer Pt. 3: The Letters

These are the letters that came to me after David’s death:


This news of course came as a great shock !!! We are so very sorry and what a terrible ending to his life. He loved his family and was always devoted to all of us, especially you. He never missed an event that included his family. I am really saddened because he was a part of us and sadly he will not be there any longer. I’m also so sad to learn of all of your mishaps. This has definitely been a trying time for you. I’m so happy that Barbara Pailet has been helping you. You have always been a great daughter and sister no matter how difficult the circumstances. Please keep us posted, and again our sympathies. He will be missed. Continued

The Making of a Murderer Pt 2: Finding Out

I always thought I would be a catatonic. I was sure that if a major trauma came my way, and I ended up having a nervous break-down, it would be the silent treatment that I would revert back to. Essentially I had to learn to talk as an adult. Growing up, I had lots of thoughts, lots of ideas – lots going on in my brain – that I never shared. Sharing my thoughts and feelings seemed a bit superfluous. So – catatonia was my mental illness of choice. Continued

The Making of a Murderer Pt 1: About Max

How is it that I, a 66-year-old successful professional woman living in New York City, have come to have acquaintance with a young man who has lived his 18 years in New Orleans, daring to be difficult, provoking those in authority positions to institutionalize him for his misdeeds, thievery and disturbed behaviors, and living out his plan, as he himself said of “ruining (his) life”? It is only through unforeseen circumstances of the most morbid kind that this young man, Max Hoppens, has arrived in my life, destined to stay for a good long time. Continued

Water Power


Well, maybe you can’t force a horse to ingest something he doesn’t want to swallow, but you can force a human being to. We do it to ourselves all the time. It’s called dieting. Going on a diet is, essentially, eating according to force and will. Continued

Einstein, Newton and Anti-Aging

Originally published in 101 Great Ways To Improve Your Health, Selected and Introduced by David Riklan and Dr. Joseph Cilea

Everyone knows the story of the man who goes up in a spacecraft and comes back to earth years later. His wife, who was in her prime when he left, is now old and decrepit; his children who were mere toddlers are now grown and have children of their own. The space traveler, however, has only aged a few years. So goes aging in space. It goes so very, very slowly. Continued

Fantasies of Revenge and the Stabilization of the Ego

Acts of Revenge and the Ascension of  Thanatos

There’ve been 2 major traumas in my life: one before my analysis, the other during. My first was when I was a senior in college. I was brutally assaulted, my neck was sliced open with a razor blade, and I almost died. My second was when the man I was passionately in love with rejected me, decided not to marry me. Continued

Becoming an Adoptive Mother

posted in: Articles, Personal Writings | 0

At 37, I was unexpectedly pregnant. This was not happy news to me. It was the wrong man, it was not Richard, who had just broken my heart, cancelled our wedding plans and it would be the wrong baby. Richard and the children I had dreamed that we would have were still in my heart, Continued