InSPArations: If You Can Do it at a Spa, You Can Do it at Home
(Insparations Inc, New York, New York, [c] 2006.)
InSPArations is a compilation of collected facts, understandings and wisdoms. The knowledge collected for this book comes from all over the world. Each healing tradition, whether from the frigid region of the Baltic Sea or from the tropical islands of the Caribbean, has an essential “truth”, an understanding that helps us to center ourselves and to become ourselves. Some of the techniques proffered here go back 5000 years: the use of botanicals, seaweed, water, clay and herbs is as old as civilization itself.
Other techniques described arise from technological advancements in understanding that are cutting-edge. The philosophy that underlines each understanding and each treatment, however, has a common thread. The philosophy that underlines this book is: the earth is an abundance of riches; Mother Earth has every ingredient, every substance that is necessary for both the maintenance and the restoration of health.
InSPArations is the first step to transforming your home into a temple of healing.
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